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LoITA Rapid Prototyping
ITA ExamIndustrial Engineering and ManagementRapid Prototyping My name is Nimeet DoshiI am here at OSU for my masters in industrial engineering and technology managementAnd I am gonna give youA presentation on rapid prototypingAnd specifically one of itsuses that's called as stereolithographyNow to start withWhat is a prototype?A prototype is basically A first iteration of a product that gets into the customer's hands later in the product lifeAnd um it'sDone mainly because of two main reasons, that's one is umFor testing and research purposesAnd secondly, to see if it's feasible for manufacturingPrototyping is a veryVery early stage in the product development it's one of the most important stage- uh- important stepsTo be performed before a product reachesThe customer's handNow there are a few types of prototyping methodsUh, widely used protoyping methods is rapid prototypingUm, rapid prototyping, as the name suggests, is how quickly one can manufacture a prototypeAnd there are two main types ofProcesses that are material removal and material a- addition rapid prototypingUm, material removal means a block of metal or any such materialIs uh machined outMaterial is removed from the block to create the partAnd material additionIs where a part is created layer by layer from scratchAnd the model is made with the help of a three-dimensional CAD model that's made into a physical formNow, rapid prototyping has uh four widely-used uh processes, they are stereo lithographythere's selective laser sinteringthen there's fused deposition modelingAnd there's binder jettingUhStereolithography, in briefisone method which uses a bath of resinand UV lightsThe UV light is used toPerform a process called photopolymerization which helpssolidify the liquid as an endoplasticand here you can see the machine and the part that's being createduh- it uses a low power UV laserAnd um- the part is- a part is sealedSo that there's no contamination and no impurities on the part when it's createdUmThe working cycle goes in a way where there are four main stagesFirst to the design stage the design stage involvesdesigning a three-dimensional CAD model and feeding it into the machineThe second stage is pre-processing the pre-processing is whereThe machine steps inThe machine does all the pre-processing whereThere are some parts that requireThat have hollow holesAnd that haveThat need supportSo the machine itself adds supports and uh structure so that the part doesn't collapse while it'swhile it's being formedAnd umOnce the preprocessing is done the part goes into printingAnd post-printing there is post-processing uh processes that needs to (?) that'sone is to rinse the part to remove any uncured resinby uncured I mean the resin does notcompletely turn into a solidand uh that's the four stagesum this is the apparatusuh this is the machine- a sectional view of the machinethe three main parts to note here are the laserthe uh- the printing bed that's marked in yellow dot and the resin part that'smarked in the blue dotthe machine can be in both the settings where one is where the laser isuh moving and the platform is stationary orit's either the laser is stationary and the platform is movinghere you can see the laser being umlaser can be moved both in the X and Y axis and the platform being moved in the zed axisthat uh helps lower the platform into the resin baythe working goes as followsum sothe platform is lowered into the resin bath to a minimum uhminimum distance that is required by the partso here as you can see the left image shows how the process starts and the right one is a bit of the progre- progression of how the part is being createdon the left you can see uh as the platform lowers down the laser starts hitting the platform and the resin starts solidifyingand once it solidifiesthe laser keeps moving and creating the- creates the part as to how it's to be made with respect to the designand on the right you can see there's a partsthat a platform's been even more lowered and how the part is being made thatum now rapid prototype umstereolithography is usedmainly because of three main reasons one is it's cheapsecond is umsecond is because it gives highly accurate ummodel with a very high tolerance or in mechanical terms a very tight toleranceand thirdly because umthe parts are very strong and they can be machined as well once they're createdand um the uses of stereolithography isis unless people use it in manufacturing to createuh randomscale down prototypes to test them and also in dental work and medical work whereparts are very intricate and complex designs need to be madethe complex design is one of- one more advantage of stereolithography that's why it's usedum and yeah thank youquestions?yeahm: that might not be the caseum so while the main reason is to test and research on the productso if a product is made withwhile the [inaudible] it goes through a sort of test might be a [inaudible]-sized test if it failsdue to a lot of pressureor maybe not be waterproofso if it isn't then there's more revisions to the design and more iterations that are created after the prototype and that's how the company gets to the final product that is the releaseyeahso it'sso the most common one is where umthe laser's stationary so this- this particular example here is uh- is an economical machine so that's the reason they have uma moving laser and a platform that goes in one axisbut as you can see the image herehere actually the platform is on the top and the platform rises from bottom itself and the laser- laser's at the bottomthe reason for this is uh so that if m-there's less movement for the laser to the part that's created ishas much more uh accurate design as to what the model isso the lesser the movement the much more accurate the part isand that's just the platform moving so yeahumsoit's got a wide range you can say your phone coversso to quickly make a prototype a phone cover can be- phone cover can be made with the help ofthe machinebut umso the phone guard might need accurate dimensions due to the size of the phoneso that's why this might be- a 3D printer can be used there as wellbut uh this one might give you a more accurate design compared to a 3D printerAnd dental work as well- your teeth fillings your teethmodels they c- there are a lot of intricate designs that can be made with the help of this- this- this processso m- my understanding of a prototype is it's the firstokay so is the same technology utilizedfor rapid- for ummass production where the prototype is approved?thank youis it more common to have one where the laser moves or one where the platform moves?um can you tell again- once again- you already mentioned that but when- wh- where do we use stereolithography?[inaudible] thank you any other questionsthank you so much for the good